Each year, AnSR Games sets goals, (usually) makes them public, and then reports on how we did. So how did we do in 2020? And what were our goals anyhow? Find out!
The 2020 Goals
Our goals for 2020 were set early in 2020. Due to lots of things happening in 2020 that no one really planned (except the Illuminati, maybe), some of them were modified. So, how did we do? Overall... really well!
Make enough money to pay for the website (~$20)
Very Successful.
This was, hands down, our best year in sales ever. We did a great Kickstarter for a new Sci-fi war game called CH35S. It was wildly successful. We absolutely were able to pay for a website. Release 1 new RPG under the U3 line of games
As a part of our Kickstarter, we were able to create a very small, quick RPG using the U3 rules for our backers. We released it in late December. This game is in a template that we have been working on for 1-page RPGs during the year. Because of that, it came together within a matter of days. It was so thrilling to see a template work so smoothly. Develop and release 1 new expansion for Promise Reborn
Partially Successful.
We have 2 entire new expansions of Promise Reborn done and ready. One is called Promise Discovered. the other is called Promise Researched. After our successful Kickstarter for CH35S, we shifted the release to be in 2021. We are debating on if we use a crowd funding platform of some kind to release it. In fact, we have a crazy idea around using a series of Crowd Sales from The Game Crafter running around in the back of our head for this. We are sill planning 2021 out, so we will see. Develop and release 1 new board, card, or dice game.
Very Successful.
We are counting CH35S as the 1 new game that we developed and released. We asked for $35 fuding level on Kickstarter for a bunch of YMOR game rules and armies. 424 amazing backers pledged a total of $2,100+ to make it a reality. It was so successful, we even had to make a physical version of the game that backers could get. We have released the YMOR core set and 2 expansion armies as of the end of December 2020. The rest is scheduled to be released in 2021. Help at least 1 other game designer or developer make their game a reality
Kind of.
We didn't help bring a game from nothing to something, but we tried to help as many people as we could. We were able to help out a little with Rules. by our frind Josh. He ran a great Kickstarter, and he helped us as much as we did him. We also tried to make some "fan-made" stuff for some other games and spread the word about them a bit. So, in all we count it as a win. (Optional) Find a way to market and sell our games better
This one surprised us. We were not planning to go to Kickstarter for a project any time in the future. But we did for CH35S. According to our post-Kickstarter survey, people found out about our game from Kickstarter vs anything else we did. Effectively, Kickstarter was a marketing tool for us. We are now considering using it and other platforms to market and sell our games to others. (Optional) Make more War Game Helpers for miniatures games.
January 2023