![]() Well, we have finally decided on a release schedule for 2014. It is pretty simple. 3 games, with the biggest one in June after a Kickstarter campaign. Here is a look at all the great games we have lined up for 2014. ![]() Faith Hope Love (the card game). (Releasing in: January 2014.) This great little card game is an updated version of the very first card game we thought of before we even started our company. overcome the challenges of the world we live in by playing Angel cards and Blessing cards from your hand. But be sure at least 1 player can overcome the challenge, because if you can't, the Devil's Advocate will. First person (including the Devil's Advocate) with 15 points wins the game. ![]() Pyramids of Mars (Release date: March 2014.) You are trying to be the next great pyramid builder on Mars. to do this, you must send a courier to the depot to get your materials. Problem is, you are not too sure which depot the goods will be delivered to. Take a bet, influence the outcome, and try to be the first player with 6 building blocks to make your pyramid. ![]() Angels - Michael's War (Release date: June 2014.) In May, we are launching a Kickstarter campaign to get our best game ever onto lots of game tables across the land. If we can raise $2,000 by the end of May, we will proudly release Angels - Michael's War. Angels is for 2 to 4 players and let's you take the role of commanding Angels defeating Demons and claiming victories for Heaven. Light enough for casual players, with some special abilities and expansions planned that make it a good fit into hard core card gamers' collections. You will be hearing a whole lot more about this as we get to it... trust me. Next... we will list out the official 2014 goals for our company... you know, the boring stuff.
![]() Every year, A'n'SR -entertainments sets goals and tries to meet them. This year, we did pretty good (see our part 1 post for how we did). We also like to take time to tell the story of the year, and why some things happened and others did not. It is a way for us to get some lessons learned out of our heads, and hopefully as bits of wisdom for others. This year, we had a few really big goals: 21 new books, getting on Amazon and Nook book stores, and launching a new line of games. Below is a more wordy version of how we did on all of them. 21 was Too MuchHonestly, we bit off more than we could chew on this one. We had 13 Authorials books, 5 Setting books, and an unfinished Angels... from Hell book sitting in our back pockets. We started off really good, sticking to our schedule of releases and everything, but about mid-way through the year, we started slipping on deadlines. We missed getting books out on time. Heck, we forgot the Angels book wasn't finished. Lesson Learned: It felt terrible missing the deadlines we had set, and we never want tot do that again. So, we definitely bit of more than we could chew with such a release schedule, and we are going back to a 5-games/books per year schedule, even if it means less money. Bundles SellWe did the -U- + Options bundle pretty much for fun. Its purpose was to get people a chance to catch-up on all th-U- books while we released the -U- Settings books. While we sold some -U- Settings books, we sold a whole lot more bundles. In fact, it gave us our best month ever, which was great to see. Lesson Learned: We need to do more bundles when it makes sense. We may do a U- Setting bundle next year, just to see how it does. The key is, though, that they are not great for supporting other books, but as sand-alone product pairings. Darn You TheGameCrafter.comIn September, TheGameCrafter.com held a micro-game contests. This really got our creative juices flowing, and we ended up diving in. Everything went on hold until the game was done. This was a good thing, since we generally like to make and play smaller games. We dusted off our first game ever, Faith Hope Love, made a new minis line of games (ZipWarZ), and dabbled into the world of Mars for the first time (Pyramids of Mars). Problem is, it totally sidelined us from everything else. We did not win the contest, but it was worth it. Lesson Learned: Stick to one game in a contest, and make it awesome. Also, don't be afraid of doing a contest, lots of great things come out of it. Final ThoughtsAs we plan for 2014, we are taking all these things into consideration. This probably means less games released, but more focus on what works well. Look for our 2014 schedule of games coming early 2014 or late 2013 (whenever it is we finalize it.
![]() Every year, we set goals for ourselves as a company (small as we are), and then see if we can make those goals happen. 2013 was no different. in fact, 2013 had our biggest goal ever: Publish 26 books in one year. That was more books that we have done since we started this little company back in 2009 altogether. So how did we do? Let's see. The Goals and AccomplishmentsBelow are the goals we set for 2013, and how we did on them.
Overall Rating: B+Having 5.5 of 7 goals completed and 1 important stretch goal (biggest year of sales ever) met is a pretty good year. 2013 had a lot of expectations, and we met a good portion of them. Look for our more philosophical recap of the year, and our 2014 plans coming soon.
January 2023