In October, A'n'SR usually stops putting games out. Well... that's not happening this year. More on why to come in a few days. And most importantly, more on how we did on our 2013 Goals set out
![]() A'n'SR -entertainments is proud to announce that a surprise game in our schedule has just been released: ZipWarZ: Elves cs Goblins. We say it is a surprise because we had no intention of making this game this year. Heck, we didn't even know we wanted to. But when held its micro-game contest, we couldn't resist but join in and make a new game. And now that we've made it, we are planning at least 3 expansions in 2014, including dwarves, orcs, knights, and more. ZipWarZ is a micro war game where players build a customized army, and do battle against each other just like the classic war games of yore. With its unique card-based combat system, games go by fast, and combat is unforgivably furious. Pick up your copy today for just $11.99, and have a fun, fast, little war all before lunch is over today! |
January 2023